RH: Reproductive Health
Male Hormone Assessment & Management Masterclass
In this 2-part, 4 hour masterclass, Rhiannon will take practitioners through everything they need to know to comprehensively understand male sex hormone & semen analysis assessment & clinical management for optimal physical & mental health and sexual function & fertility.

26 Oct 2023, 11:00 am AEDT – 16 Nov 2023, 1:00 pm AEDT
Online 2-Part Masterclass
In this 2-part, 4 hour webinar, Rhiannon will take practitioners through clear clinical strategies required to recognise, assess and manage hormones and fertility for men and all those assigned male at birth.
This will include a deep investigation of the complex relationship between individual hormones of the hypothalamic pituitary gonadal (HPG) axis, testicular function and adrenal competence and their influence on mental health, physical wellbeing, sexual function and fertility.
Practitioners will complete this masterclass having obtained full competency in reading male sex hormone pathology, semen analysis interpretation, understanding the individual causes of hormone irregularity and the complex relationship between the different hormones.
The course will include an in-depth review of the effective and accurate use of herbal, nutritional, dietary and lifestyle medicine to assist practitioners in achieving the best possible results for their patients (no, tribulus and zinc are NOT always the answer, they’re NOT always indicated, and therefore they often just don’t work!).
This is essential education for all practitioners working with male patients in any way, as healthy hormones are integral for all aspects of physical & mental health, but especially for those working in the hormone and fertility space.
Presented live over 2 x two hour sessions in Oct & Nov, with ongoing access to recordings and the online group moderated by Rhiannon, where you can ask questions and join the conversation on this topic for 2 years.
Session One: 11am-1pm, Thurs 26th October
💥 Deep-dive into the HPG axis and how individual hormones interact and influence each other.
💥 Detailed review of hormone pathology interpretation, including testosterone, DHEAs, androstenedione, DHT, oestrogen, LH, FSH, SHBG, prolactin & cortisol.
💥 How to recognise patterns that allow for accurate diagnosis and appropriate intervention for dysregulated hormone presentations.
💥 In-depth review of the roles of hormones on physical & mental health and sexual function & fertility.
💥 Testicular function, including testosterone and sperm production, how these are negatively and positively influenced, and red flags to consider.
💥 Pathology and clinical assessment of factors likely to influence male sex hormones & fertility, including metabolic markers, methylation, nutritional deficiencies, stress & adrenal factors, thyroid dysfunction and infection & immune related issues.
Session Two: 11am-1pm, Thurs 16th November
💥 Semen analysis referral and interpretation in detail.
💥 Review of treatment for specific conditions, including erectile dysfunction, poor libido, prostate issues, male-factor infertility, low mood, metabolic dysfunction, hormonal acne and male pattern hair loss.
💥 Prescription for male sex hormone and fertility optimisation, including:
- herbal medicine actions, indications, contraindications and key clinical tips for succesful application.
- individualised nutritional medicine.
- appropriate & effective dietary & lifestyle interventions.
💥 A review of conventional treatments, including indications, contraindications and interactions with herbal and nutritional medicines.
Learning outcomes:
🤓 Confidence in understanding male hormones and their specific influence on mental health, general wellbeing, sexual function and fertility.
🤓 Deciper male sex hormone pathology, including optimal functional reference ranges.
🤓 Confidence in referring for, and skilled interpretation of, semen analysis.
🤓 In-depth knowledge of each hormone's role and their relationship to each other.
🤓 A clear understanding of the differential drivers of varying hormone imbalances.
🤓 Recognise the differences between expected and problematic sex hormone changes with age.
🤓 Effective clinical interventions for male hormone and fertility optimisation, including specific herb & supplement indications, contraindications & doses.
🤓 Confidence in supporting patients with a wide range of male sex-hormone related health issues.
🤓 Skills for case taking specific for male patients, including questioning and prescribing for libido, sexual function and fertility.
🤓 Skills required for effective patient communication, to support you in achieving the best compliance & clinical outcomes, including with more challenging patients.
⏱ 2 x two hour presentations, including time for questions.
⏰ Presented live 11am-1pm, Thursday 26th October and Thursday 16th November, 2023.
🎥 Ongoing access to recordings for 24 months.
💻 Access to online group, moderated by Rhiannon, where you can ask questions and join the conversation (ongoing for 2 years).
📕 Includes Rhiannon's clinical tools & reference materials.
💰 $395 +GST.
🐣 Early bird $295 +GST (SAVE $100, offer ends Friday 13th October).
💸 Payment plan: $99.50+GST (four fortnightly payments).
🌎 Email us for a GST-free invoice if you are outside Australia.
🤓 Participants eligible for 4 CPE points upon completion.
As a clinical mentor, I find many practitioners struggle to grasp the complexity of the male HPG axis, the role of individual hormones and the story clearly portrayed by their patterns. I also routinely see praccies struggling to properly order and interpret relevant pathology. Therefore many are unable to identify the true underlying drivers of an individual’s issues, and then consequently prescribe incorrect medicines for the circumstances, and fail to achieve the clinical outcomes they desire.
To complicate this, male patients, especially those presenting with hormone, libido or fertility challenges, may not always be independently enthusiastic to work with us, and can appear apprehensive or even resistant. I find practitioners often struggle in successful management of this patient group, and lack confidence in communicating their findings and justifications. As a result I hear many reports of difficult consultations, poor compliance and unsuccesful clinical results.
In my 18 years of busy clinical practice, focusing heavily on male hormone health and fertility optimisation, I have come to rely on many tips & tricks that help to make this job easier and more efficient. As always, I am keen to share these clinical insights with you, to improve your confidence, reduce anxiety and, most importantly, to help you to succeed with this patient group.
Whilst complex, male sex hormone interpretation, optimisation and clinical management can be quite straight forward when you know what to look for, and I am super excited to finally have the chance to share my key insights into this field with you,
Rhiannon x
Register Here
Male Hormone Masterclass
Full access to masterclass, online group, and ongoing access to recordings for 24mo.
A$395.00Tax: +A$39.50 GSTSale endedPayment Plan
Four fortnightly payments. Full access to masterclass, online group, and ongoing access to recordings for 24mo.
A$99.50Tax: +A$9.95 GSTSale ended