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Postpartum & Paediatrics Masterclass

In this three part 6-hour masterclass, Rhiannon provides practitioners with everything they need to expertly support patients through the significant & often challenging postpartum window, along with detailed integrative support for infant health.

Postpartum & Paediatrics Masterclass
Postpartum & Paediatrics Masterclass


Oct-Nov 2024

Live on Zoom & On Demand


The postpartum transition is a profound moment in the lives of parents and their newborns; however, it can also be a time of significant challenge. Unfortunately high rates of associated physical & mental health complications are commonplace in the community, posing a routine challenge in clinical practice. Possessing the confidence and skill to reassure & effectively support individuals & families through this window is key to successful clinical management.

Rhiannon has nearly 20 years of invaluable experience working with postpartum & paediatric healthcare in her busy fertility practice. She has supported countless parents & infants, from those experiencing easy transitions to those who have faced significant challenges. In this Masterclass, Rhiannon brings this expertise to practitioners, providing clinically relevant and evidence-based guidelines plus the tools required for confident integration of postpartum and paediatric healthcare into everyday practice.

Three x 2-hour sessions.

🗓️ Presented live *11am to 1pm Tuesdays 22nd October, 5th & 19th November, 2024.

🎥 Ongoing access to recordings for 24 months.

💬 Access to online discussion group, moderated by Rhiannon, providing answers to all your questions and ongoing support.

*Sydney daylight savings time.

Course Content

📚 Clinical support for birth recovery: inclusive of all births, from uncomplicated vaginal delivery to emergency Caesarian section.

📚 Post-birth consultations: birth story debriefing strategies, identifying those at risk of PTSD, and understanding when and where to refer.

📚 Optimising birth recovery, physical and mental health in the first six weeks.

📚 Breastfeeding support & solutions to common challenges: from establishment to weaning.

📚 Best clinical practice to support formula-fed infants. 

📚 Postpartum mental health for all parents, including recognising red flags & referral strategies.

📚 Postpartum pathology assessments- beyond the basics: when, why and how.

📚 Optimal postnatal nutrition for parent and bub: dietary and supplemental considerations.

📚 Clinical assessment and management of postpartum thyroid complications.

📚 Postpartum autoimmune & musculoskeletal presentations.

📚 Postpartum depletion: flagging those at risk and considerations for prevention & successful management.

📚 Common clinical infant health challenges for the first 12 months; including feeding difficulties, digestive complaints, skin issues, immune optimisation & introduction of solids.

📚 Routine medical infant management for the first 12 months: how to work alongside these.

📚 Infant vaccine schedules, supporting informed decisions and optimising infant immunity.

Scope of practice & safety will be clearly addressed with guidelines regarding red flags & referrals.

📚 6+ hours of content.

📖 Includes detailed notes, tools & resources to assist with easy application in a clinical setting and up-to-date references.

💰 Payment plan available.

🌎 International practitioners, email us for GST-free invoice.

🔥 Included as part of our 2024 Fertility, Pregnancy, Postpartum & Paeds Complete Education Package 

🤓 Participants eligible for 6 CPE points upon completion.

Register Here

  • Postpartum & Paediatrics MC

    Tax: +A$69.00 GST
    Sale ended
  • 2024 Complete Education Pack

    Includes: Preconception Care OR Advanced Fertility Masterclass, Pregnancy Masterclass & Postpartum & Paediatrics Masterclass (total value $2070- save up to $780).

    Tax: +A$129.00 GST



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