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Preconception Care Masterclass

Preconception Care Masterclass

In this three-part, on demand, masterclass we take you through how to best harness the preconception care window to positively influence fertility, pregnancy and the long term health of parents and children.

  • About this course

    The window encompassing preconception care (PCC) is a unique opportunity to positively influence both fertility and pregnancy outcomes and the long-term health of parents & children.

    This is a fundamental area of functional medicine practice. With many patients planning conception in the near or distant future, all practitioners working in general or specialised practice benefit from an advanced understanding of the mechanics required to successfully support individuals and couples trying to conceive (TTC).


     Three x 1.5-hour recorded sessions, available for you to watch on demand.


    Gain confidence and skill around the key pillars of PCC

    🌟 Why preconception care? Learn the evidence behind the recommendations to give you with confidence when making recommendations in clinical practice.

    🌟 Evidence-based clinical interventions for sperm and egg quality optimisation.

    🌟 Relevant pathology: detailed guidelines for ordering and interpreting specific tests for preconception care.

    🌟 Male factor considerations: semen analysis (when, how and what the results mean), male-specific pathology requests and supplement considerations.

    🌟 Dietary and environmental guidelines, with up-to-date evidence-based references to support your clinical recommendations.

    🌟 Successful lifestyle counselling insights; how to inspire change that can lead to significant health optimisation for parents and offspring.

    🌟 Clinical management of metabolic contributors.

    🌟 The impacts of stress and sleep disturbance.

    🌟 Essential supplement considerations and indications.


    Course Details

    Session One

    The what, how and why of preconception care.

    Pathology: ordering and interpretation.

    Presented by Rhiannon Hardingham.


    Session Two

    Male factor fertility issues; including semen analysis referrals and interpretation.

    Nuclear family constructs and LGBTQIA+ considerations.

    Recommended supplements for PCC (male and female).

    Presented by Sage King.


    Session Three

    Evidence-based dietary & lifestyle considerations, including:

    - endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs).

    - safe exercise while TTC.

    - metabolic health considerations.

    - the impacts of stress & sleep.

    Presented by Josephine Cabrall.


    📚 4.5 hours of content.

    📖 Includes detailed notes, tools & resources to assist with easy application in a clinical setting and up-to-date references.

    💰 Payment plan available.

    🌎 International practitioners, email us for a GST-free invoice.

    👩🏽‍🎓 $290 +GST- student price (email us with details of your current student status for your discount code).

    🔥 OR included as part of our 2024 Fertility, Pregnancy, Postpartum & Paeds Complete Education Package

    🤓 Participants are eligible for 4.5 CPE points upon completion.

Excluding GST
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